Senior pet exams should be done every 6 months. We see many super seniors in good health! But a lot can change in a few short months. Frequent exams allow for treatment plan assessment and early identification of new ailments. This results in early intervention and a better quality of life.
Senior pet exams include gathering an extensive patient history, full physical exam, nutritional evaluation, & treatment recommendations. We will also discuss common diseases and issues affecting aging pets and let you know what things to look for.

Common Conditions associated with aging
- Decrease mobility, muscle weakness and joint pain
- Behavior/ personality changes (cognitive disorder)
- Anxiety
- Decreased grooming
- Incontinence
- Weight changes
- Kidney disease
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
Our family centered care exists to ease fears and to empower pet care givers to make important health care decisions for their aging pets.
Areas we serve
Rock Island - Moline - Milan - Andalusia - East Moline - Davenport - Bettendorf- Silvis
approximately 45 minutes $75
We like to provide treats and little snacks for your pet to keep them happy and comfortable. Therefore it helps have your pet a little hungry so they will take treats readily from us. Sharing food is a great way for us to become friends.
Please let us know what your pet’s favorite treats are so we can have it or something similar on hand. If your pet is on a special diet or you would prefer to supply the treats, please let us know!
We like your pet to be in a comfortable quiet area, free from distractions.
Full physical exam, patient history and relevant evaluation of past medical records, evaluation of current & past medications, we will make recommendations in the following areas: preventative care, treatment plans, medications, diagnostic tests warranted, and nutrition evaluation. We consult on the aging process and will help you assess your pet’s health goals. If time allows, we may be able to perform treatments (such as chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, etc) as well.
You can email us for an appointment at or call or text for an appointment at 309-550-9033.