Herbal medications can benefit many different conditions in pets and are prescribed based on each pet’s pattern diagnosis. Herbal therapy is often combined with acupuncture to get better and faster results. Herbal medications should never be given without consulting a veterinarian experienced in Chinese herbal medication.

Herbal Therapy benefits & uses:
- decreased appetite and wight loss
- Managing side effects of cancer treatments
- Muscle pain
- Anxiety
- Paralysis and weakness
- Pain (arthritis, cancer, athletic injury, post operative)
- Neurologic and intervertebral disc disease (back/neck issues)
- Respiratory disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- GI disease (diarrhea, vomiting, gas)
- Skin disease
- Seizures
Herbal Medication
Herbal medication is typically prescribed at the time of acupuncture or consultation, so there are no additional costs aside from the cost of the herbal medication it's self.