Hello Harmony Vet

Why Pet Hospice or Palliative Care?

Euthanasia Isn't the only option: Veterinary HOspice Care

When you hear “there is no cure” or “she’s just getting old”, there may be other options besides euthanasia. Veterinary hospice (Pet Hospice or Pawspice) and palliative care is a unique approach to your pet’s healthcare needs. It focuses on managing symptoms, like pain, weakness, anxiety and focuses on your pet’s happiness and quality of life.  Rider Veterinary Services is dedicated to providing senior and geriatric care, palliative care, hospice care and in-home euthanasia for dedicated families in the Quad Cities.  

Our family-centered care exists to ease fears and to empower pet caregivers to make important healthcare decisions for their pets.  

Veterinary Hospice is not about prolonging suffering; it is about improving the quality of your pet's life

"I don't think it's time..."

As pets age, they experience many similar changes as humans. As pets transition from senior to geriatric,  they can experience stiff joints, decrease exercise tolerance, weakness, decreased weight, advanced dental disease, behavior changes, frequent urinary tract infections or incontinence.  To sum it up…they just seem more frail.  

Even though owners note changes in their pet, like joint pain, decreased interaction, odd behavior, etc; they may feels it’s just not time for euthanasia.  Frequently owners observe that other parts of their life are good: appetite, the pets still enjoy walks, get excited when they return home, etc.  

Those symptoms, although certainly not fatal, are disease processes, and tend to compound with age.  Arthritis is painful.  Dental disease is painful.  Urinary tract infections are painful and urine leaking can cause skin infections and pain.  Behavior changes can include anxiety, which can be hard for owners to watch.  

We can help!  There are so many ways for your pet to live a more comfortable life in their geriatric years.  Let us help you make the home stretch of your journey together in this world more comfortable. 

House calls are important

Having your pet remain in the comfort of his/her own home decreases stress and anxiety.  If your pet has mobility issues, getting them in and out of the car can be a painful experience for you and them.  Car rides can be very stressful for cats.  

It’s convenient for you!  No long waits in the waiting room or exam rooms, telling your pet’s history to three different people and wondering if you will get home in time to meet the kids off the bus.  Breath easy and let us come to you!   


Specifically, what things can you do for my pet?

There are many things that can be done to help your pet in their golden years and end-of-life stage.  Some include, but not limited to, are:

  • Pain medication
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage
  • Anxiety medication and behavior modification
  • Nutrition

Education about end-stage diseases, recognizing and treating pain, subcutaneous fluids, managing urinary incontinence, addressing anxiety and special nutritional needs, skin & wound care, and much more. 

We are here for you. 

Call 309-550-9033 or email ridervetservices@gmail.com




Pet Hospice Education

Learn more about pet hospice care in this article form the ASPCA. 

Here is a link containing FAQ’s about pet hospice by Fetch webMD.  

Here the NY Times explores Pet Hospice. 

The International Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care is an excellent source of information for pet owners and professionals a like.   

geriatric golden retriever getting patted on the head

Pet Hospice Appointment

Veterinary hospice is care for your geriatric pet. A mobile veterinarian will administer ways to improve the remaining time your pet has with you.

House calls

The doctor comes to you! Pet hospice care in the comfort of your home.

In home pet euthanasia

In home Euthanasia

When it's time to say goodbye, compassionate care in the privacy and comfort of you and your pet's home.

For in-home euthanasia